This will move you (in more ways than one)

Since it’s already attracted millions of views on social media, there’s an excellent chance you’ve seen the video I’ve posted above. But just in case you haven’t, I highly recommend you take a moment to watch before reading on. 

The inspiring Christmas advertisement from Doc Morris not only moved me to tears, it moved me to think deeply about its meaning. It moved me to think deeply about OUR meaning as fellow citizens of planet Earth.

Though it’s less than three minutes long, the commercial has left a lasting impression. Here are a few of my takeaways. All with the grandfather in mind.

Imagine who you want to be

Go ahead and celebrate who you once were. It’s fun to reflect on our glory days. But visualizing who we want to become is much more important. If you’re still breathing, you’re still becoming. So what do you want your body to look like? How do you want to use your unique gifts? How can you display love today? The man stared at a photo of his granddaughter to motivate him. I’ve read where a lot of great artists sketch out their creations in pencil before dipping the brush into the paint. Cast your vision and grow it from there.

Which leads to the next important lesson …

You ARE creative

Ants are meant to create colonies. Bees are meant to create hives. And humans are meant to create futures — one thought, one habit, one step and one rep at a time. The truth is, you are exactly where you are today because of small choices made day after day over a long period of time. Where you live. Where you work. What you eat and drink. What you read and watch. Those are choices. Either you made them or you permitted someone to make them for you. And here’s the great news: Like the man in the video, we can make different decisions tomorrow. It really is your choice.

Which leads to the next important lesson …

Just doing something

That’s it. Just start. It can be as simple as setting your alarm clock a few minutes earlier. Or going to sleep at a decent hour. Or placing your sneakers right beside your bed so they’ll be the first thing you see in the morning. Or putting coffee in the filter the night before. A little momentum can get things rolling in a big way. It also builds habits. And habits eventually become our lives. For better or for worse.

Which leads to the next important lesson …

You’re never too old

Moses was 80 when he STARTED the journey to the Promised Land. Investor Charlie Munger is still going strong at 96. Christopher Plummer starred in the hit film “Knives Out” last year. He turned 91 over the weekend. The video is further proof that age isn’t a number — it’s a mindset. Today, you are the oldest you’ve ever been and the youngest you’ll ever be again. You are perfectly positioned between experience and possibility. Please don’t waste that blessing.

Which leads to the next important lesson …

It’s not about you

Never has been. Never will be. Even when we try our hardest to make it that way. Some might say it’s selfish to want to improve your health, your mind or your relational skills. I’d say it’s one of the most SELFLESS things you could do. A stronger core, a sharper mind, and an agreeable spirit benefit our communities in more ways than we can imagine. Like the man in the video, we must live for a cause bigger than ourselves. But if we’re going to create change in the world, it always starts with us. Always. If you’ve ever flown, you’ve heard the flight attendants share this important message: “Be sure to put on YOUR oxygen mask before helping those seated around you.” So here’s the hard truth: We’ll be in no condition to care for others unless we care for ourselves first. 

Which leads to the last important lesson …

Start right where you are

What’s most fascinating is all those insights entered my mind as I was lounging in my pajamas. Staring at an iPhone screen. With a college basketball game on in the background. 

Go ahead and judge me, if you must. But there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s OK to chill on the couch at times.

Yet if you really want to break through age barriers, if you really want to pursue a cause greater than yourself, if you really want your life to mean something, then you’ve got to get up at some point. 

It took a moving Christmas commercial to get me moving this week.

I hope it does the same for you.

(Tim Kolodziej is the creator of and author of this piece. If you would like to receive encouraging/inspiring messages, videos, and motivational stories each morning, text him at (412) 226-4977.)

InspirationTim Kolodziej